Demonstrate good clean basics. Can be methodical. No need for speed or power. Show technically correct fundamentals. Connect to your partner. Focus is always on precision and clearly demonstrating the required techniques and the required proper ukemi for the technique.
- Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
- Shomenuchi Iriminage
- Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
- Ryotetori Tenchinage (omote & ura)
- Tsuki Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
- Ushiro Tekubitori Kotegaeshi
- Morotetori Kokyuho
- Sitting Kokyuho (Kokyu Dosa)
- Tai No Henko (Tenkan Exercise)
- Bokken: 1st , 2nd, 3rd Suburi (basic strikes)
- Jo: 1 Basic Yokomen, 1 Basic Tsuki